Take iron coffee(拿铁咖啡)--中式英语

来源于未知   雪域流沙发布   2018-09-16 11:58更新  浏览

拿铁咖啡翻译为Take iron coffee当然是不正确的,这是典型的中国式翻译,我们固然能看懂,但是别人看了会很蒙。

拿铁咖啡本是一句外来词,它的原名为Café Latté,拿铁咖啡的翻译是(音译)翻译,Latté在意大利语里指“牛奶”,所以拿铁的直译意其实应是“牛奶咖啡”。拿铁咖啡一种加热奶的浓咖啡(Latte is strong coffee made with hot milk.)是意大利浓缩咖啡(Espresso)与牛奶的经典混合。在用英语点拿铁咖啡时直接说Latte就可以了,所以拿铁咖啡的英文是Latte。例如:

Miss, we ordered a latte.

而如果要印在菜单上可以写成Coffee Latte。关于各种拿铁咖啡的名字如下:

iced cafe latte 冰拿铁咖啡

green tea latte 绿茶拿铁

grande latte 大杯拿铁

caramel latte 焦糖拿铁

matcha latte 抹茶拿铁


How many coffee beverages can you name in English? Here are some of the popular ones that you’ll find at cafés in China and around the world. If some of the spellings look difficult, it’s because many of these words are derived from Italian or French.

Here are some common expressions containing the word “iron”:

ironman ['aiənmæn] n. 铁人(在运动方面有过人的忍耐力或持久力的男性)

cast-iron stomach 强壮的胃(什么都消化得了)

have too many irons in the fire 同时要做的事情太多

iron out the kinks 解决小问题,消除缺陷

iron sth. out 解决(问题、困难等)

pump (some) iron 举重,锻炼肌肉

rule with an iron fist 严加管理,控制得很严

Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。



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