good good study,day day up(好好学习,天天向上)

2018-09-06 by 巴士英语 【字体:   手机访问


good good study,day day up.这是一句来中国式翻译的英语,按照中国人的习惯拼凑英语单词被叫做中式英语,老外叫Chinglish。good good study,day day up.这句中式英语是“好好学习,天天向上”的意思,“好好学习,天天向上”是一句毛泽东(毛主席)的一句题词(如果你对这句题词的故事感兴趣可以阅读毛主席《好好学习天天向上》题词的背后的故事),现在“好好学习,天天向上”已经成为一句俗语,一句经典名言。

“好好学习,天天向上”的正确英语翻译是Study hard(well) and make progress every day 。

中式英语是不正确的英语,所在在考试的时候可千万别用,否则你就可能丢分啦。不过用在口语调侃中,或者用于幽默搞笑“good good study,day day up.”这样的中式英语能有很好的效果哦。

“good good study,day day up.”已经是一句很经典的中式英语,有些外国人也是听得懂的,不信你看来自外国友人的日志:

Somebody gave a friend of Rose Hill this coin purse as a gift:

Of course, "Good good study; day day up" is a classic Chinglish saying that is recognized by many who know no Chinese language and have nothing to do with Chinese studies. This deathless aphorism (or perhaps it is better to call it a slogan) has become a part of global culture in the 21st century.

Here (English) and here (Chinese) are images of "Good good study; day day up" in action, and here (English) and here (Chinese) are discussions of its significance and application.

I strongly urge all Language Log readers to take a look at some of the truly amazing depictions and sites devoted to the spirit of "Good good study; day day up" so that you will all be able to develop better study habits. Perhaps if you do, GKP might start opening his posts up to comments more often.

This is what the writing on the purse says:

xuéxí jīngfèi 學習經費 ("study expenses")

hǎohǎo xuéxí 好好学习

tiāntiān xiàngshàng 天天向上 ("Study hard and make progress every day")

pīzhǔn 批准 ("approve")

Note that, in contrast to the other lines, the first line is written in traditional characters.

A special gift awaits the Language Log reader who can document where and when Mao Zedong first uttered these immortal words.


随着中国在世界影响力的增大,有一些经典的中式英语已被世界认可,转正为英语俗语。2014年青奥会的6句候选口号中,有一句“天天向上”的英语翻译是“day day up”,媒体称,“day day up”已被老外认可。


由些看来“good good study,day day up”也是你不得不学的一句英语,他的正宗英语表达是Study hard(well) and make progress every day。现在你学会了“好好学习,天天向上”的英文表达了吗?




